Each year, generous donations make it possible for the Sigma Chi Foundation to grant numerous academic scholarships and awards to deserving Sigma Chi undergraduate and graduate brothers. The Sigma Chi Foundation Founders’ Scholar awards are awarded to undergraduate applicants based on academic performance, demonstrated leadership, and chapter involvement:

Recipient Sigma Chi Foundation Scholarship
Carson Billingsley Carl Scering Memorial Academic Scholarship
Jack Giuffre Lambda ‐ Bell Chapter Scholarship
Michael Grueninger James & Connie Bash, Lambda Academic Scholarship
David Held James L. Beattey, III Lambda Legacy Academic Scholarship
James Mackle James & Connie Bash, Lambda Academic Scholarship
Brice Maslanka Lambda ‐ Bell Chapter Scholarship
Franco Matticoli Lambda ‐ Bell Chapter Scholarship
Thomas Myers Lambda ‐ Bell Chapter Scholarship
Joseph Serra James & Connie Bash, Lambda Academic Scholarship
Zachary Unes Lambda ‐ Bell Chapter Scholarship
Adam Wolfe James & Connie Bash, Lambda Academic Scholarship
Max Ziemer James & Connie Bash, Lambda Academic Scholarship

Providing scholarships and awards furthers the Foundation’s goal to promote academic excellence and lifelong learning. We proudly award brothers who show outstanding character in action, academic motivation, and commitment to their chapters and campuses. Having benefited from this support they, like you, give back to support the academic endeavors of their fellow brothers.

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